Meet our team: Scott Davey aka chuff

Play big riffs and enjoy life.

We’re talking to the Among The Trees staff about what they do and why they do it. We’ve learned over the years that working with reclaimed materials is a bit of an unusual calling, and attracts all sorts of interesting people.

This time we’re talking with Scott Davey (aka chuff), who provides wisdom and highly-quotable advice in our shop, and runs the fantastic Davey Guitar Works from one upstairs in our warehouse.

Tell us a bit about what you do at Among The Trees?

I’m a humble helper and friend of the timber, and always happy to talk about your next project and see what wonderful things we can make with this amazing resource. I’m also excited to start teaching a few courses around music starting with an solid wooden speaker cabinet and a few other ideas in the works

What gets you out of bed and going to work in the morning?

To quote Russell Hammond from almost famous “To begin with, everything” – from seeing the massive projects of full kitchen builds, to the many amazing artworks, to sweeping up the shop in the afternoon light –it’s a beautiful place to be.

What’s your favourite thing about recycled and/or reclaimed timber?

The mystery in the history. All of this timber had started its life as a tree and many of them are 100’s of years old, from church pews to the rafters of family homes. They have a lot of stories behind them and thanks to Among The Trees those stories get to continue

Among The Trees is built around sustainability, but what do you personally find valuable about a sustainable outlook?

The initial reason is the the value of resources – they will take up more space in landfill and cost more to be transported and regrown to archive a lesser product – but on a deeper level it’s nice to part history and keep the old ways going. It’s very easy to become a part of a system of consumer waste, but we have value and so do the timbers that have grown around us; “rip rip wood chip”.

Any final advice for our readers?

Hold the ones you love, make time for the sunset. Play big riffs and enjoy life.


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Is reclaimed timber cost effective?