Introduction to hand tool sharpening

Beginner woodworking

While most woodwork projects require a sharp tool for high quality results, hand tool sharpening is often seen as a mysterious or inscrutable art. In this course we will demystify the world of sharpening, including how to make and maintain a sharp edge, and teach students how to achieve one consistently and easily for their own woodworking tools. 

The focus will be on creating a razor-sharp edge on a second-hand chisel, lovingly restored at Among the Trees. Restoring a well-used tool to peak performance is a rite of passage for any woodworker seeking to truly understand the sharpening process.

Students will be taught about the pros and cons of using a variety of sharpening methods and media from high-end water cooled grinders to more affordable and nonetheless effective options such as oil stones.

Students are encouraged to bring in their own tools to sharpen and free time will be given at the end of the course to practise and work on your own tools with the provided equipment and media.

7 hours (9am-4pm)
$337 per person
Open to students 13+, see our Child Safe Policy here
Course includes moderate physical exertion

    • An introduction to workshop safety

    • Using different powered grinding tool and jigs safely and effectively

    • Using oil and water stones to hone an edge, by hand and using honing guides

    • Putting the final polish on an edge.

    • When to use what method to achieve the best result in the shortest amount of time

    • Sharpening chisels and plane blades

    • Sharpening methods for other edged, woodworking tools.

  • This course is designed for beginners with no prior experience who have an interest in learning to sharpen and maintain a sharp edge on their woodworking tools.

  • By the end of this course you will have:

    • One freshly sharpened carpenter's chisel to take home.

    • The ability to achieve a razor sharp edge on chisel and plane blades.

    • An understanding of the different sharpening tools such as; grinders, oil and water stones, diamond and steel lapping plates and strops, and when to use them.

    • An understanding of sharpening options for differing budgets.

    • An understanding of how to sharpen a variety of different-edged, woodworking tools.

    • Time on the stones and the grinders to practise their technique

  • Attendees should wear clothes that they don’t mind getting a bit grubby. PPE will be available to use but attendees are encouraged to bring their own ear, eye and breathing protection.

    Attendees are also encouraged to bring in a tool or two of their own to sharpen. Appropriate tools to bring in include:

    • Metal and timber planes such as block planes, smoothers (No.4), Jack (No.5), Jointer and scrub planes

    • Router planes, rebate planes and combination planes

    • Timber and metal spokeshaves

    • Card scrapers

    • Sloyd knives and hook knives

    • Kitchen knives

    • Hatchets

    • Rasps

    • Moulding planes

    If you are planning on bringing in your own tool, particularly if it isn’t on the list, get in contact with us at Among the Trees so we can make sure we have everything ready for you.

    If you don’t have any tools to bring in, ones will be provided on which to practise.